Services Offered
Individual Counseling
If you are trying to be normal you will never know how amazing YOU can be~Maya Angelou
* Adjustment to change
* Work related issues
* Managing Stress
* Relationship Issues- (family, friendship, etc)
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Bereavement and Grief​
* LGBTQIA Affirming
* Communication
* Parenting- Positive Parenting Discipline
* Self-exploration
* Conflict Resolution
* PTSD &/or Trauma (see ART below)
School Consultation
​ * Understanding a 504 and your child's needs at school
* Understanding your rights as a parent at your child's school
* Understanding the RtI process/Child Study Process
* Understanding what Special Education means & your rights
Perinatal & Postpartum
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Postpartum Planning
* Understanding the 4th Trimester
* Understanding the 5th Trimester
* Perinatal Journey
* Infertility
* Adjustments and Life Transitions
* PTSD &/or Trauma (see ART below)
Resources for Therapists:
* Transitioning into Private Practice
Counseling for Children & Adolescents (ages 10 & up):
* Parent/Child Relationships
* Drug and Alcohol Use
* Social Anxiety
* Time Management
* Anger Management
* Coping with Stress
* Self-esteem
* Finding Independence
* Transition from: Elementary to Middle
School, Middle School to High School; High
School to College
* Adjustment to Change
* LGTBQIA Affirming
* Anxiety & Fears
* Depression, Sadness, &/or feelings of hopelessness​
* Coping with Bereavement and guilt
* Learning & implementing coping skills
* Family conflict
* Life coaching
* Relationship issues
* Dealing with Divorce
* Behavior Issues
* Academic Issues
* Behavior Issues
* Bullying
* Social Media Usage
* Social Related Issues-Cliques
* Mood Swings​